DJB Machinery is a UK importer/distributor of MDB's entire product range.

MDB was founded by Mario Di Biase in 1977 in a small barn in Rizzacorno, near Lanciano, Chieti. In 1984, Mario built a new facility on a small parcel of land given to him by his Uncle Donato. In these facilities, Mario began solving problems in various industries.

  • Mario, having heard the tragic news of tractor accidents in the mountainous region of Abruzzo, was motivated to create a safer solution for operators working with heavy equipment on slopes. He, along with his son Marco and the team, developed the Green Climber line of products - a remote-controlled mini tractor that reduced the risk of injury or death.

    The company created a logo representing the founders, Mario and Marco Di Biase, featuring a Marsican brown bear, a symbol of their roots in Abruzzo and the power of their product line. The company takes pride in the fact that their products are 100% Made in Italy.

    To learn more, click on the images below to explore the equipment they offer.